Silver Dollar (3.5-4.5 Inches) | Single

Rs. 850.00


The Silver Dollar (3.5-4.5 Inches) is a captivating freshwater fish, admired for its round, disk-like shape and brilliant silver sheen, which closely resembles a minted coin. Native to the rivers and floodplains of South America, the Silver Dollar is a peaceful species that thrives in groups and makes an excellent addition to a community aquarium.

At 3.5-4.5 inches, this Silver Dollar is nearing adulthood, showcasing its characteristic broad, flattened body and reflective scales that give it a shimmering, metallic appearance. As they mature, Silver Dollars can grow up to 6 inches in length, so they require a spacious tank to accommodate their active nature and schooling behavior.

Silver Dollars are schooling fish and should ideally be kept in groups of five or more to encourage natural behaviors and reduce stress. They are primarily herbivores, so their diet should consist of a variety of plant-based foods, including blanched vegetables like spinach and zucchini, as well as algae wafers and high-quality herbivore flakes or pellets. While they may occasionally nibble on live plants, providing them with sufficient plant-based foods can help minimize this behavior.

A well-maintained aquarium with a capacity of at least 340 litres is recommended, as it offers ample swimming space and room for multiple Silver Dollars. The tank should have a mix of open areas for free swimming and some sturdy plants or decorations like driftwood to provide cover. Silver Dollars prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with regular water changes to maintain water quality.

Overall, the Silver Dollar at this size is a robust and visually striking fish, perfect for aquarists seeking a lively and peaceful addition to their freshwater community tank.


Silver Dollar (3.5-4.5 Inches) | Single

Rs. 850.00

The Silver Dollar (3.5-4.5 Inches) is a captivating freshwater fish, admired for its round, disk-like shape and brilliant silver sheen, which closely resembles a minted coin. Native to the rivers and floodplains of South America, the Silver Dollar is a peaceful species that thrives in groups and makes an excellent addition to a community aquarium.

At 3.5-4.5 inches, this Silver Dollar is nearing adulthood, showcasing its characteristic broad, flattened body and reflective scales that give it a shimmering, metallic appearance. As they mature, Silver Dollars can grow up to 6 inches in length, so they require a spacious tank to accommodate their active nature and schooling behavior.

Silver Dollars are schooling fish and should ideally be kept in groups of five or more to encourage natural behaviors and reduce stress. They are primarily herbivores, so their diet should consist of a variety of plant-based foods, including blanched vegetables like spinach and zucchini, as well as algae wafers and high-quality herbivore flakes or pellets. While they may occasionally nibble on live plants, providing them with sufficient plant-based foods can help minimize this behavior.

A well-maintained aquarium with a capacity of at least 340 litres is recommended, as it offers ample swimming space and room for multiple Silver Dollars. The tank should have a mix of open areas for free swimming and some sturdy plants or decorations like driftwood to provide cover. Silver Dollars prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with regular water changes to maintain water quality.

Overall, the Silver Dollar at this size is a robust and visually striking fish, perfect for aquarists seeking a lively and peaceful addition to their freshwater community tank.

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