Internal Filter HANA 1200F

Rs. 320.00


The HANA Aquarium Internal Filter 1200F is a compact and efficient filtration system designed for small to medium-sized aquariums.

Aquarium Internal Filter HANA HN- 1200 F - 15W | 880 L/H | AC 220V to 240V

Compact Design: Ideal for small to medium-sized tanks. 

Quiet Operation: Doesn't disturb the aquarium environment.

Efficient Filtration: Effectively removes dirt and impurities from the water.

Versatile: Suitable for both freshwater and saltwater aquarium.

Easy Maintenance: Regular cleaning and media replacement is straightforward.



Internal Filter HANA 1200F

Rs. 320.00

The HANA Aquarium Internal Filter 1200F is a compact and efficient filtration system designed for small to medium-sized aquariums.

Aquarium Internal Filter HANA HN- 1200 F - 15W | 880 L/H | AC 220V to 240V

Compact Design: Ideal for small to medium-sized tanks. 

Quiet Operation: Doesn't disturb the aquarium environment.

Efficient Filtration: Effectively removes dirt and impurities from the water.

Versatile: Suitable for both freshwater and saltwater aquarium.

Easy Maintenance: Regular cleaning and media replacement is straightforward.


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