ಅಕ್ವೇರಿಯಂ ಲೈವ್ ಮೀನು | ಕುಬಟೊಯ್ ರಾಸ್ಬೋರಾ ಮೀನು | ಏಕ

Rs. 120.00

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ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ 24 ಗಂಟೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿದ್ಧವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ


The Kubotai Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai), also known as the Neon Green Rasbora or Green Rasbora, is a small, peaceful fish that is perfect for planted tanks. This species is highly sought after for its vibrant, neon green coloration and its calm demeanor, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.

Appearance: The Kubotai Rasbora is a strikingly beautiful fish, known for its luminous, iridescent green body that seems to glow under the right lighting conditions. The fish has a slender, streamlined body, typically growing to about 1 inch in length, making it ideal for nano aquariums and heavily planted tanks. Its fins are translucent and delicate, complementing the vibrant green of its body. The fish's small size and bright color create a lively and visually appealing contrast against the lush greenery of a planted aquarium.

Behavior and Temperament: Kubotai Rasboras are peaceful, schooling fish that thrive in groups. They are highly social and prefer to swim in the middle to upper levels of the aquarium. Their active nature and gentle disposition make them compatible with a wide variety of other peaceful fish species. In a group, their synchronized swimming and vibrant color create a mesmerizing display. Despite their small size, they are quite hardy and adaptable, provided they are kept in a stable environment.

Habitat Requirements: The Kubotai Rasbora is well-suited for planted tanks, where it can feel secure among the dense vegetation. A tank of at least 10 gallons is recommended, especially if keeping a small school of these fish. The water should be soft to moderately hard, with a temperature range of 72-79°F (22-26°C) and a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. The tank should be well-maintained with regular water changes and filtration, as these fish thrive in clean, oxygen-rich water. The addition of floating plants can help diffuse light and mimic the dappled sunlight of their natural habitat, enhancing their coloration.

Diet: Kubotai Rasboras are omnivores and will readily accept a variety of foods. A balanced diet consisting of high-quality micro pellets or flakes, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and micro-worms, will keep them healthy and vibrant. These small fish have tiny mouths, so it's important to offer food that is appropriately sized. Regular feeding of small amounts twice a day is ideal.

Care and Compatibility: Kubotai Rasboras are easy to care for and make a great addition to peaceful community tanks. They do well with other small, non-aggressive species, such as tetras, small rasboras, and dwarf shrimp. Their peaceful nature also makes them ideal tank mates for invertebrates and other nano fish species. It's important to keep them in schools of at least six to eight individuals, as they are social fish and feel more secure in groups.


ಅಕ್ವೇರಿಯಂ ಲೈವ್ ಮೀನು | ಕುಬಟೊಯ್ ರಾಸ್ಬೋರಾ ಮೀನು | ಏಕ

Rs. 120.00

The Kubotai Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai), also known as the Neon Green Rasbora or Green Rasbora, is a small, peaceful fish that is perfect for planted tanks. This species is highly sought after for its vibrant, neon green coloration and its calm demeanor, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.

Appearance: The Kubotai Rasbora is a strikingly beautiful fish, known for its luminous, iridescent green body that seems to glow under the right lighting conditions. The fish has a slender, streamlined body, typically growing to about 1 inch in length, making it ideal for nano aquariums and heavily planted tanks. Its fins are translucent and delicate, complementing the vibrant green of its body. The fish's small size and bright color create a lively and visually appealing contrast against the lush greenery of a planted aquarium.

Behavior and Temperament: Kubotai Rasboras are peaceful, schooling fish that thrive in groups. They are highly social and prefer to swim in the middle to upper levels of the aquarium. Their active nature and gentle disposition make them compatible with a wide variety of other peaceful fish species. In a group, their synchronized swimming and vibrant color create a mesmerizing display. Despite their small size, they are quite hardy and adaptable, provided they are kept in a stable environment.

Habitat Requirements: The Kubotai Rasbora is well-suited for planted tanks, where it can feel secure among the dense vegetation. A tank of at least 10 gallons is recommended, especially if keeping a small school of these fish. The water should be soft to moderately hard, with a temperature range of 72-79°F (22-26°C) and a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. The tank should be well-maintained with regular water changes and filtration, as these fish thrive in clean, oxygen-rich water. The addition of floating plants can help diffuse light and mimic the dappled sunlight of their natural habitat, enhancing their coloration.

Diet: Kubotai Rasboras are omnivores and will readily accept a variety of foods. A balanced diet consisting of high-quality micro pellets or flakes, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and micro-worms, will keep them healthy and vibrant. These small fish have tiny mouths, so it's important to offer food that is appropriately sized. Regular feeding of small amounts twice a day is ideal.

Care and Compatibility: Kubotai Rasboras are easy to care for and make a great addition to peaceful community tanks. They do well with other small, non-aggressive species, such as tetras, small rasboras, and dwarf shrimp. Their peaceful nature also makes them ideal tank mates for invertebrates and other nano fish species. It's important to keep them in schools of at least six to eight individuals, as they are social fish and feel more secure in groups.

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