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All Red Cherry Shrimp are extremely adaptable creatures that can live in almost any freshwater aquarium.

Some of the younger shrimp have not reached their full potential yet and will grow into a deeper red color as long as they are comfortable in the tank.

Lower intensity lighting and dark substrate also helps them achieve the deepest and darkest reds.

Fire Red Shrimp | Live | Freshwater | Aquarium Shrimp

SKU: 000291
PriceFrom ₹25.00
Sales Tax Included
  • These are freshwater shrimp and can live in almost any freshwater aquarium. 

    They are very popular for planted tanks and community tanks, and many people use them in large aquariums for waste management and algae control. 

    We generally ship young adult shrimp that are already of breeding age and are the highest grade of red cherry shrimp, which means that their coloration is the most intense red you'll ever find!

  • No warranty no Gurantee.
    No Return and No Refund policy. Because your product will check before packing. During transport it may damage it's a own responsible of customers.

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