Guppy Albino Blue Topaz | Male & Female

Rs. 150.00


The Albino Blue Topaz Guppy is a stunning and distinctive strain of guppy, recognized for its delicate albino traits combined with striking blue coloration. This guppy variety is highly sought after by aquarists due to its unique appearance and relatively easy care requirements. 


Appearance: The male Albino Blue Topaz Guppy is a true showstopper with its shimmering blue hues set against a pale, almost translucent body typical of albino fish. The blue coloration is most intense on the body, fins, and tail, often displaying a metallic sheen that catches the light beautifully. The male's body is slender and streamlined, with large, flowing fins that add to its graceful appearance. The characteristic red eyes, a common trait in albino guppies, enhance its delicate yet striking look.

Size: Males are smaller and more compact, usually reaching about 1.2 to 1.4 inches (3 to 3.5 cm) in length.

Behavior: Male Albino Blue Topaz Guppies are active and social, often engaging in displays to attract females. Their movements are agile, and they are usually found swimming in the mid to upper levels of the tank. Males are peaceful and do well in community tanks with other non-aggressive species.


Appearance: The female Albino Blue Topaz Guppy, while less vibrantly colored than the male, still retains the beautiful blue sheen that characterizes this strain. The female's body is larger and rounder, especially when pregnant. The blue coloration is more subdued, but it still provides a lovely contrast against the albino's pale body. Like the males, females have red eyes, which stand out against their soft color palette.

Size: Females are larger than males, typically growing to about 1.6 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm) in length.

Behavior: Females are more subdued in their behavior compared to males. They tend to be calmer and are often seen foraging or swimming leisurely around the tank. Females are also peaceful and can be kept in groups without issues


Guppy Albino Blue Topaz | Male & Female

From Rs. 150.00

The Albino Blue Topaz Guppy is a stunning and distinctive strain of guppy, recognized for its delicate albino traits combined with striking blue coloration. This guppy variety is highly sought after by aquarists due to its unique appearance and relatively easy care requirements. 


Appearance: The male Albino Blue Topaz Guppy is a true showstopper with its shimmering blue hues set against a pale, almost translucent body typical of albino fish. The blue coloration is most intense on the body, fins, and tail, often displaying a metallic sheen that catches the light beautifully. The male's body is slender and streamlined, with large, flowing fins that add to its graceful appearance. The characteristic red eyes, a common trait in albino guppies, enhance its delicate yet striking look.

Size: Males are smaller and more compact, usually reaching about 1.2 to 1.4 inches (3 to 3.5 cm) in length.

Behavior: Male Albino Blue Topaz Guppies are active and social, often engaging in displays to attract females. Their movements are agile, and they are usually found swimming in the mid to upper levels of the tank. Males are peaceful and do well in community tanks with other non-aggressive species.


Appearance: The female Albino Blue Topaz Guppy, while less vibrantly colored than the male, still retains the beautiful blue sheen that characterizes this strain. The female's body is larger and rounder, especially when pregnant. The blue coloration is more subdued, but it still provides a lovely contrast against the albino's pale body. Like the males, females have red eyes, which stand out against their soft color palette.

Size: Females are larger than males, typically growing to about 1.6 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm) in length.

Behavior: Females are more subdued in their behavior compared to males. They tend to be calmer and are often seen foraging or swimming leisurely around the tank. Females are also peaceful and can be kept in groups without issues

Choose Type

  • 1 Pair - 1 Male & 1 Female
  • 5 Pair - 5 Male & 5 Female
  • Trio - 1 Male & 2 Female
  • Breading Pair - 1 Male & 1 Female
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