ಅಕ್ವೇರಿಯಂ ಲೈವ್ ಮೀನು | ಬ್ರಿಲಿಯಂಟ್ ರಮ್ಮಿ ಮೂಗಿನ ಮೀನು | ಏಕ

Rs. 120.00 Rs. 199.00


The Brilliant Rummy Nose (Hemigrammus rhodostomus), also known as the Rummy Nose Tetra, is a striking and lively freshwater fish, particularly valued in planted tank setups for its vibrant colors and dynamic behavior. It adds a splash of brilliance to any aquarium, making it a favorite among aquarists who appreciate both its aesthetic appeal and engaging personality.

The Brilliant Rummy Nose is a beautiful and active addition to any planted tank. Its vibrant coloration, social nature, and engaging behavior make it a standout choice for community aquariums. While it can be kept as a single specimen, it is best enjoyed in groups, where its full beauty and lively behavior can be observed and appreciated.

Coloration: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is renowned for its eye-catching coloration. It features a brilliant red nose, which gives it its name, and a silver to pale yellow body with a subtle, iridescent sheen. The fish also displays black markings along the base of its fins and a distinct black line running through the eye, enhancing its overall striking appearance.

Size: Typically, the Brilliant Rummy Nose grows to about 4-5 cm (1.5-2 inches) in length, making it a small and manageable species for various aquarium setups.

Body Shape: The fish has a slender, torpedo-shaped body with a slightly forked tail. Its streamlined shape allows for agile swimming and quick movements.

Temperament: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is a peaceful and schooling fish. It thrives in groups of 6 or more, where it exhibits its natural social behavior and displays its vivid coloration to full effect. While you mention keeping a single fish, it’s important to note that Rummy Nose Tetras are happiest and most active in groups.

Activity: This species is quite active and often seen darting around the tank, especially when kept in a well-planted environment. They are generally mid-level swimmers but will also explore the lower regions of the tank, particularly when foraging for food.

Compatibility: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is compatible with a variety of other peaceful, small to medium-sized fish. It is particularly well-suited to planted tanks where it can find plenty of hiding spots and foraging opportunities. It pairs well with other tetras, rasboras, and small catfish.

Tank Size: A minimum of 75 litres is recommended, especially if keeping a small group. This size provides adequate space for swimming and allows the fish to establish natural schooling behavior.

Water Conditions: Brilliant Rummy Nose prefers water temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C) with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. They thrive in soft to moderately hard water and appreciate a well-maintained tank with clean, well-oxygenated water.

Substrate and Decor: A well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots is ideal. Use a soft substrate, such as sand or fine gravel, and provide dense vegetation and driftwood to mimic their natural habitat. The presence of plants also helps in reducing stress and providing a more natural environment.

Feeding: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is an omnivore and enjoys a varied diet. It thrives on high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. They also enjoy finely chopped vegetables or algae-based foods.


ಅಕ್ವೇರಿಯಂ ಲೈವ್ ಮೀನು | ಬ್ರಿಲಿಯಂಟ್ ರಮ್ಮಿ ಮೂಗಿನ ಮೀನು | ಏಕ

Rs. 120.00 Rs. 199.00

The Brilliant Rummy Nose (Hemigrammus rhodostomus), also known as the Rummy Nose Tetra, is a striking and lively freshwater fish, particularly valued in planted tank setups for its vibrant colors and dynamic behavior. It adds a splash of brilliance to any aquarium, making it a favorite among aquarists who appreciate both its aesthetic appeal and engaging personality.

The Brilliant Rummy Nose is a beautiful and active addition to any planted tank. Its vibrant coloration, social nature, and engaging behavior make it a standout choice for community aquariums. While it can be kept as a single specimen, it is best enjoyed in groups, where its full beauty and lively behavior can be observed and appreciated.

Coloration: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is renowned for its eye-catching coloration. It features a brilliant red nose, which gives it its name, and a silver to pale yellow body with a subtle, iridescent sheen. The fish also displays black markings along the base of its fins and a distinct black line running through the eye, enhancing its overall striking appearance.

Size: Typically, the Brilliant Rummy Nose grows to about 4-5 cm (1.5-2 inches) in length, making it a small and manageable species for various aquarium setups.

Body Shape: The fish has a slender, torpedo-shaped body with a slightly forked tail. Its streamlined shape allows for agile swimming and quick movements.

Temperament: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is a peaceful and schooling fish. It thrives in groups of 6 or more, where it exhibits its natural social behavior and displays its vivid coloration to full effect. While you mention keeping a single fish, it’s important to note that Rummy Nose Tetras are happiest and most active in groups.

Activity: This species is quite active and often seen darting around the tank, especially when kept in a well-planted environment. They are generally mid-level swimmers but will also explore the lower regions of the tank, particularly when foraging for food.

Compatibility: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is compatible with a variety of other peaceful, small to medium-sized fish. It is particularly well-suited to planted tanks where it can find plenty of hiding spots and foraging opportunities. It pairs well with other tetras, rasboras, and small catfish.

Tank Size: A minimum of 75 litres is recommended, especially if keeping a small group. This size provides adequate space for swimming and allows the fish to establish natural schooling behavior.

Water Conditions: Brilliant Rummy Nose prefers water temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C) with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. They thrive in soft to moderately hard water and appreciate a well-maintained tank with clean, well-oxygenated water.

Substrate and Decor: A well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots is ideal. Use a soft substrate, such as sand or fine gravel, and provide dense vegetation and driftwood to mimic their natural habitat. The presence of plants also helps in reducing stress and providing a more natural environment.

Feeding: The Brilliant Rummy Nose is an omnivore and enjoys a varied diet. It thrives on high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. They also enjoy finely chopped vegetables or algae-based foods.

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