Albino Rummy Nose Tetra | Planted Tank Fish | Single

Rs. 90.00


The Albino Rummy Nose Tetra is a unique and eye-catching variation of the classic Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus), prized for its distinctive coloration and peaceful nature. This variant retains the same general body shape and size as its standard counterpart but features an albino coloration, making it a rare and sought-after addition to planted aquariums.

Appearance: The Albino Rummy Nose Tetra stands out due to its pale, almost translucent body, which is a soft, creamy white or pale pink in color. The signature bright red "nose" of the Rummy Nose Tetra is still present, creating a striking contrast against the albino body. The eyes of the Albino Rummy Nose Tetra are usually pink or red, characteristic of albino fish. The tail fin retains the distinctive black and white striped pattern, adding to its unique visual appeal.

Behavior: Like the standard Rummy Nose Tetra, the Albino variant is a schooling fish that thrives when kept in groups of at least six to eight individuals. These fish are known for their tight schooling behavior, often swimming in unison, which creates a captivating display in the aquarium. Their peaceful nature makes them ideal for community tanks, where they get along well with other small, non-aggressive species.

Habitat and Tank Requirements: Albino Rummy Nose Tetras are well-suited for planted tanks, where they can exhibit their natural behaviors and display their best colors. A tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended to provide enough space for a small school. The ideal water conditions include a temperature range of 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C), a pH of 6.0 to 7.0, and soft to moderately soft water. They thrive in environments with subdued lighting and plenty of plants, such as Amazon swords, Java moss, and floating plants, which provide cover and create a natural, stress-free environment.

Diet: These tetras are omnivores and have a relatively simple diet. They will readily accept high-quality flake foods, micro-pellets, and a variety of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. A varied diet helps maintain their vibrant colors and overall health.

Compatibility: Albino Rummy Nose Tetras are very peaceful and make excellent companions for other small, non-aggressive fish. They can be housed with other tetras, rasboras, small barbs, and peaceful bottom dwellers like Corydoras catfish. They are also compatible with shrimp and other invertebrates, making them ideal for diverse community setups.

Lifespan: With proper care, Albino Rummy Nose Tetras can live for 5 to 6 years, although some individuals may live longer under optimal conditions. Maintaining stable water conditions, performing regular water changes, and providing a balanced diet are key to their longevity.

Planted Tank Considerations: Albino Rummy Nose Tetras are particularly well-suited for planted tanks due to their love for densely vegetated environments. The plants provide the cover they need to feel secure, helping to reduce stress and encourage natural schooling behavior. Their preference for soft, slightly acidic water also makes them compatible with the conditions typically found in well-maintained planted aquariums. The plants help maintain water quality, while the fish contribute a light bioload, creating a balanced ecosystem.


Albino Rummy Nose Tetra | Planted Tank Fish | Single

Rs. 90.00

The Albino Rummy Nose Tetra is a unique and eye-catching variation of the classic Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus), prized for its distinctive coloration and peaceful nature. This variant retains the same general body shape and size as its standard counterpart but features an albino coloration, making it a rare and sought-after addition to planted aquariums.

Appearance: The Albino Rummy Nose Tetra stands out due to its pale, almost translucent body, which is a soft, creamy white or pale pink in color. The signature bright red "nose" of the Rummy Nose Tetra is still present, creating a striking contrast against the albino body. The eyes of the Albino Rummy Nose Tetra are usually pink or red, characteristic of albino fish. The tail fin retains the distinctive black and white striped pattern, adding to its unique visual appeal.

Behavior: Like the standard Rummy Nose Tetra, the Albino variant is a schooling fish that thrives when kept in groups of at least six to eight individuals. These fish are known for their tight schooling behavior, often swimming in unison, which creates a captivating display in the aquarium. Their peaceful nature makes them ideal for community tanks, where they get along well with other small, non-aggressive species.

Habitat and Tank Requirements: Albino Rummy Nose Tetras are well-suited for planted tanks, where they can exhibit their natural behaviors and display their best colors. A tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended to provide enough space for a small school. The ideal water conditions include a temperature range of 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C), a pH of 6.0 to 7.0, and soft to moderately soft water. They thrive in environments with subdued lighting and plenty of plants, such as Amazon swords, Java moss, and floating plants, which provide cover and create a natural, stress-free environment.

Diet: These tetras are omnivores and have a relatively simple diet. They will readily accept high-quality flake foods, micro-pellets, and a variety of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. A varied diet helps maintain their vibrant colors and overall health.

Compatibility: Albino Rummy Nose Tetras are very peaceful and make excellent companions for other small, non-aggressive fish. They can be housed with other tetras, rasboras, small barbs, and peaceful bottom dwellers like Corydoras catfish. They are also compatible with shrimp and other invertebrates, making them ideal for diverse community setups.

Lifespan: With proper care, Albino Rummy Nose Tetras can live for 5 to 6 years, although some individuals may live longer under optimal conditions. Maintaining stable water conditions, performing regular water changes, and providing a balanced diet are key to their longevity.

Planted Tank Considerations: Albino Rummy Nose Tetras are particularly well-suited for planted tanks due to their love for densely vegetated environments. The plants provide the cover they need to feel secure, helping to reduce stress and encourage natural schooling behavior. Their preference for soft, slightly acidic water also makes them compatible with the conditions typically found in well-maintained planted aquariums. The plants help maintain water quality, while the fish contribute a light bioload, creating a balanced ecosystem.

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