Elephant Nose Fish (4-5 Inches) | Single

Rs. 1,250.00


An Elephant Nose Fish can be a fascinating addition to a community aquarium, but it's important to provide suitable tank mates and water conditions to ensure its well-being.

A 4-5 inch Elephant Nose Fish is a captivating creature. Its most striking feature is its elongated, trunk-like snout, which it uses to navigate and search for food in its murky, natural habitat. This unique adaptation gives it a curious and almost comical appearance.

Coloration: The Elephant Nose Fish typically exhibits a soft, grayish-brown or light brown coloration with a smooth, somewhat mottled pattern that provides camouflage in its natural habitat. The color is not overly vibrant but rather subdued, complementing its unusual shape.

Body Shape: This fish is easily recognizable by its long, trunk-like extension on its head, which resembles an elephant’s trunk. This "trunk" is actually an elongated, flexible snout that it uses to detect food in the substrate. The body is elongated and somewhat cylindrical, tapering towards the tail. The fins are relatively small and unobtrusive, with the dorsal fin being slightly rayed and located towards the back of the fish.

Size: At 4-5 inches, the Elephant Nose Fish is in its juvenile to sub-adult stage. It will reach a maximum size of around 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) as it matures. This size makes it a medium-sized fish that requires a spacious tank.

Tank Size: A tank of at least 250 litres is recommended for a single Elephant Nose Fish, with a larger tank being ideal if you plan to keep more than one. This provides sufficient space for the fish to explore and establish its territory.

Water Parameters: This species prefers slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature range of 75-80°F (24-27°C). Stable water conditions are essential for its well-being.

Decor: The tank should be decorated with plenty of hiding spots, such as rocks, driftwood, and plants. A soft, sandy substrate is ideal for this fish, as it uses its trunk to sift through the substrate in search of food. Creating a natural, dimly lit environment with plenty of cover will help reduce stress and make the fish feel secure.

Diet: The Elephant Nose Fish primarily feeds on small invertebrates and detritus found in the substrate. In an aquarium setting, it can be fed a diet of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Offering food that sinks to the bottom is ideal, as this fish will search for it using its trunk.







Elephant Nose Fish (4-5 Inches) | Single

Rs. 1,250.00

An Elephant Nose Fish can be a fascinating addition to a community aquarium, but it's important to provide suitable tank mates and water conditions to ensure its well-being.

A 4-5 inch Elephant Nose Fish is a captivating creature. Its most striking feature is its elongated, trunk-like snout, which it uses to navigate and search for food in its murky, natural habitat. This unique adaptation gives it a curious and almost comical appearance.

Coloration: The Elephant Nose Fish typically exhibits a soft, grayish-brown or light brown coloration with a smooth, somewhat mottled pattern that provides camouflage in its natural habitat. The color is not overly vibrant but rather subdued, complementing its unusual shape.

Body Shape: This fish is easily recognizable by its long, trunk-like extension on its head, which resembles an elephant’s trunk. This "trunk" is actually an elongated, flexible snout that it uses to detect food in the substrate. The body is elongated and somewhat cylindrical, tapering towards the tail. The fins are relatively small and unobtrusive, with the dorsal fin being slightly rayed and located towards the back of the fish.

Size: At 4-5 inches, the Elephant Nose Fish is in its juvenile to sub-adult stage. It will reach a maximum size of around 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) as it matures. This size makes it a medium-sized fish that requires a spacious tank.

Tank Size: A tank of at least 250 litres is recommended for a single Elephant Nose Fish, with a larger tank being ideal if you plan to keep more than one. This provides sufficient space for the fish to explore and establish its territory.

Water Parameters: This species prefers slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature range of 75-80°F (24-27°C). Stable water conditions are essential for its well-being.

Decor: The tank should be decorated with plenty of hiding spots, such as rocks, driftwood, and plants. A soft, sandy substrate is ideal for this fish, as it uses its trunk to sift through the substrate in search of food. Creating a natural, dimly lit environment with plenty of cover will help reduce stress and make the fish feel secure.

Diet: The Elephant Nose Fish primarily feeds on small invertebrates and detritus found in the substrate. In an aquarium setting, it can be fed a diet of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Offering food that sinks to the bottom is ideal, as this fish will search for it using its trunk.






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